The Impact of Natural Disaster Risks on Financial Technology in Jordanian Commercial Banks from the Viewpoint of their Employees
The study aimed to investigate the impact of natural disaster risks on financial technology,
represented by banking operating systems, mobile banking services, and information
security, in Jordanian commercial banks from the perspective of their employees. The
researcher used a descriptive and analytical method to conduct the study, with the study
population being Jordanian commercial banks. The researcher used a survey tool to collect
data, and the study sample consisted of 349 bank employees. One of the most significant
findings of the study is the statistically significant impact of natural disaster risks on financial
technology in Jordanian commercial banks from the perspective of their employees. The
analysis of the sub-hypotheses revealed the impact of natural disaster risks on the dimensions
of banking operating systems, mobile banking services, and information security. Among the
recommendations is the need to improve the business environment and digital infrastructure
of commercial banks and address some weaknesses related to service providers to avoid the
complete cessation of services in the event of natural disasters.