The role of the core requirements of Basel 3 Committee?s decisions in improving internal audit quality under corporate governance in Jordanian commercial banks
Through banking supervision, the Basel 3 reports strengthen the
solidity of financial stability and compatibility among national supervisory
systems and practices. This study examines the role of Basel 3 under core
requirement using regulatory capital, capital adequacy ratio, and financial
gearing ratio to improve internal audit quality. The methodology used involved
a quantitative method using questionnaire distributed among internal audit, risk
management and credit staff in 20 banks, after which 79 from the distributed 90
questionnaires were deemed valid for analysis. The software used for
processing and analysing data was smart PLS. After data analysis, the study
results showed that there is a statistically significant positive moderating role of
Basel 3 Committee in improving internal audit quality under corporate
governance in Jordanian commercial banks