The driver factors of CSR web-based disclosure: a cross country study and evidence from Jordan and Saudi Arabia
This study represents an important cross-country study that
investigates the determinants of CSR web reporting in two developing
countries namely, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The study primary data were
manually collected from companies? websites in the year 2020. This study finds
that in Jordan, contrary to Saudi Arabia, a larger board size and the presence of
an audit committee can encourage companies to deliver more CSR web-based
disclosure. The presence of a CSR committee, on the other hand, is likely to
have a positive impact on the level of CSR web-based disclosure in both
countries. In addition, in Jordan and Saudi Arabia, large companies are found
to deliver more CSR. However, firm profitability is not associated with the
level of online CSR reporting and its dimensions in both countries. Moreover,
being leveraged is not an incentive for more online CSR reporting in Jordan
while, on the other hand, a reduction in firms leverage is likely to be followed
by more online CSR in Saudi Arabia. Moreover, neither company age nor
liquidity are associated with CSR online reporting in both Jordan and Saudi
Arabia. Moreover, in both countries, environmentally sensitive companies are
found to adhere to more CSR web-based disclosure.