The Effect Of Enterprise Risk Management In The Relationship Between The Balanced Scorecard And Organizational Performance In Jordan
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship be tween balanced scorecard, enterprise risk management and organizational performance. Within this study ERM has been conceptualized as a mediator variable between BSC and organizational performance, in congruence with the literature. However, the academic i nquiry of the effect of ERM in the relationship between the BSC and the organizational performance is at its nascent stage. This forms the motivation of the present work. The managers' perceptions of these three constructs were captur ed on a seven point Li kert scale using a country wide survey in the Jordanian Industrial Public Shareholding Companies. The data were obtained from 85 man a gers working in 59 Jordanian Industrial Public Shareholding Companiesthen used to validate the framework and then test the hypothesized relationships between the study variables using PLS SEM. The results indicate that the using ERM and BSC can lead to improved organizational performance of the Jordanian industrial public shareholding companies. Moreover, the results also indi cate that ERM positively mediate the relationship between BSC and organizational performance. Results derived from this study might help companies to adopt ERM system and enhance the using of BSC in order to improve organizational performance.
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