Proposing a model for limiting earning management practices: The case of Jordanian listed firms
The key objective of this paper is to propose a model for limiting earning management practices
among manufacturing firms in Jordan. In order to do so, two independent variables are examined
in this paper, namely, political influence and CEO Duality. Discretionary total accruals according
to the modified Jones model (1991) was used in order to estimate the level of earnings
management, which is the dependent variable. The sample comprised 64 companies for financial
year 2013. The results suggest that a positive and significant association existed among both
political influence and CEO duality and earning management. This means that both independent
variables exacerbated earnings management. Further research is required to determine what
urgent legislation should be developed to restrict the presence of members who have political
connections in the board of directors. Also, the need exists for the separation of roles of Chairman
and CEO to ensure the independence and complying with the requirements of corporate
governance .