Incorporating Self Efficacy and Subjective Norms into the Integrated TAM/TTF to Evaluate Drivers of Corporate Career Portals and Users' Performance
The goal of this research is to understand how recruiters perceive the fit between the
characteristics of electronic job marketplaces and their needs, and how that fit influences the
use of corporate career portals and expected performance. This paper contributes in providing
considerable attention of technological, individual and social factors; thus, it integrates TAM
and TTF and incorporates subjective norms and computer self-efficacy into the integrated
model. This unique model is developed to interpret recruiters' attitudes towards its actual use,
and consequently to understand the expected performance. A total of 145 valid responses
collected from HR practitioners at Jordanian banks were statistically analysed. Results
showed a good fit between the model?s technological attributes and the task of recruiting.
Thus, the results indicated that the proposed model could be used to predict the users'
intention toward corporate career portal. The Actual use of corporate career portals wasdirectly affected by perceived usefulness and subjective norms, while there was no effect of
perceived ease of use on actual use. Indirectly, fit of technology characteristics to task
requirements, and computer self-efficacy have a significant effect on actual use and
ultimately on users' performance.