A course at the Faculty of Educational Sciences entitled Internet addiction among young people

A seminar was held at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, in cooperation with the Economic Empowerment Project for Vulnerable Groups in Mafraq, entitled “The Phenomenon of Internet Addiction among Young People". This seminar came within the activities the Economic Empowerment Project, which is carried out by the General Union of Charitable Societies within the component of civil society institutions implemented by the French Expert Organization in partnership with the Ministry of Social Development under the umbrella of the European Union Support Project for Social Protection in Jordan funded by the European Union.

The project manager, Mr. Maher Abeda, indicated that this seminar is an important part of the project's mission in communicating with the local community, especially youth and women who are one of the target groups within the project.

Dr. Al-Zboun talked about the phenomenon of addiction on social media and its prevalence, especially among the younger generation. He described many negatives resulting from it, such as wasting time, destroying and disintegrating family relationships, the desire for isolation, and the tendency to laziness and lethargy and the emergence of the effects of psychological disorders.

The main speaker, Dr. Susan Peacock, a specialist in behavioral psychology and nursing sciences, mentioned a set of psychological, social and other physical factors that directly affect an individual's social and family relationships. She quoted a large group of abstracts of recent studies and research related to the phenomenon of Internet addiction and its danger to the young generation, which has become an intractable problem in all societies and has led to an increase in suicide rates due to bullying on social media and other problems. The right way to get rid of Internet addiction is to organize time and permanent communication with family members and avoid isolation because it creates many psychological and social diseases.

Mr. Vince Peacock, an expert in information and communication technology, shared his personal and family experience in this matter. He provided advice on the need to organize time and make a personal decision to control the habits of Internet use.

Prof. Saleh Al-Shorofat, Dean, participated in this seminar, in attendance of the vice deans, Prof. Sami Hazaimeh and Prof. Ihsan Al-Khalidi, the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, Dr. Ahmed Khazaleh, and the Head of the Curriculum and Instruction Department, Dr. Mamoun Al-Zboun.
