Al-Dmour-meets-with-the research-and-scientific-teams-at-Al-al-Bayt-University

University President, Prof. Hani Al-Dmour, chaired a meeting with the research and teaching teams at Al al-Bayt University. He indicated that the meeting aimed to introduce and get to know the members of the committee and research team as well as direct the faculty members towards scientific research as one of their duties, in addition to teaching and community service. He also explained that group activity and research work is better than individual work, stressing that making decisions for the benefit of scientific research and its encouragement at the university comes through making decisions for the benefit of graduate students and providing financial incentives.

Al-Dmour pointed out that networking with educational institutions and international researchers is necessary in light of the search for global entrepreneurship. He highlighted the importance of research social relations when publishing in global databases and university ranking standards that depend on the effectiveness of a faculty member in scientific research and raising the level of research which will reflect in the university academic activity.

In attendance of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Prof. Mohammad Al-Harahsheh, Vice President for Quality and Planning, Prof. Bassam Al-Mahasneh, President's Adviser for Technology and Planning, Prof. Mansour Al-Matarneh, and the Dean of Academic Research, Prof. Reda Al-Adamat, and the President's Assistant for Crises, Prof. Moayyad Al-Shawaqfeh, Al-Dmour listened to some experiences of the faculty members in scientific research and how to network with Western and international educational institutions and their future directions.
