The Analysis of Road Network characteristics in Irbid Governorate
This study investigates with the analysis of the characteristics of the road network in the governorate of Irbid, which is
the largest province in the territory of the North in Jordan, using graphs theory and some quantitative methods, The
aim to know the reality of the road network in terms of the degree of Connectivity and Circuitry and Accessibility and
analyze the density for the area and population, The study proved that the road network suffers from low degree
Circuitry in general, since the Circuitry rate of no more than 27% as indicated by the Alpha, while the connectivity of
the road network medium ratio where less communicative ratio for most road networks to maintain about 52%, as
indicated by gamma, The study also proved the low road density for the population rate compared to an average
density on the level of Jordan, and represented the Al-Mazar Al-Shamali village central node between the villages of the
Governorate, While representing the village Al-Shajara and Turrah and Al-Mashara and Karima nods marginal
extremist, so the study recommended the need to develop to ensure the establishment of modern roads in areas that
suffer from poor connectivity ratio and Circuitry development plans taking into account the variability in the
population distribution, And the need for expansion in the construction of bridges that would increase the proportion
of Connectivity and Circuitry of the road network, especially in the western trends of governorate of Irbid where deep
valleys spread