
A pioneer program which keeps pace with up-to-date changes in earth sciences with focusing on the practical and applied side.


Graduate qualified specialists in the fields of earth and environmental sciences who are able to compete in the market


1- To provide a qualified specialists in earth and environmental sciences to meet the needs of local and regional markets.

2- To develop the knowledge in earth and environmental sciences by carrying out scientific researches.

3- Developing the skills and capabilities of the faculty members and administration staff, by continuous education and training programs.

4- Stimulating and encouraging  scientific research in line with national research priority and in a manner that serves society.

5- To develop the faculty level by adopting the local and international accreditation and quality standards.

6- Creating partnerships with similar local and regional institutions to develop the educational and research process.

7- To exchange expertise and knowledge in earth and environmental sciences through participation in conferences, workshops, training programs at, local, regional and international levels.​

Core Values:

1-Innovations and Creativity.
2-Teamwork and capacity building. 
