Coupling of hydrodynamic modeling and aerial photogrammetry-derived digital surface model for flood simulation scenarios using GIS: Kuala Lumpur flood, Malaysia
Hydrological simulations are useful methods of assessing and testing different scenarios of the impact of a hydrological event on a hydrological environment. Their effect and efficiency are however limited without the support of spatial planning tools such as GIS. GIS provides the platform for simulations to be integrated with supporting basin and floodplain data to be projected spatially and visualized spatially in support of decision making. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is experiencing frequent floods due to the rapid expansion of the city and increasing intensity of monsoon rainfall. In this study hydrodynamic simulation is coupled with a well developed digital surface and terrain model (DEM) to map flood extent in Kuala Lumpur. Techniques and methods discuss the integration of hydrological processes, remote sensing and GIS processing in 3D hydrological GIS modeling to represent different flooding scenarios.
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