The impact of the cultural beliefs on forming and designing spatial organizations, spaces hierarchy, and privacy of detached houses and apartments in Jordan
Cultural beliefs and architecture have been recognized as having a strong relationship. However,a gap in knowledge exists regarding the interaction between culture and spatial organizationin domestic architecture. This research used case methods to explore the impact of culturalfactors in forming and designing detached houses and apartments in Jordan. Specifically, thisarticle aimed to explore the sociocultural impact of privacy on spatial hierarchy and spatialorganization in order to ascertain sociospatial designs in Jordanian culture. The data werecollected through a comprehensive analysis of plans, images, direct observation, and in-depthinterviews with Jordanian household residents. The data were analyzed socially and spatiallywith regard to circulation, privacy, security, and spatial arrangement of indoor and outdoorspaces. This research found that cultural factors and overall traditions affect detached housingdesign more than apartment design in Jordan. Also, cultural beliefs and traditions in Jordan arestrongly reflected in people?s values, practices, activities, and the level of privacy needed in agiven home. Therefore, privacy becomes a social, religious, and personal need that Jordaniandomestic architecture should accommodate. Because culture shapes humans? worldviews, andthen both culture and worldview build social and personal values to define lifestyle, clearlydetermine specific activities, and set residents? requirements for the design of the componentsof space requisite for cultural recognition. This research recommends that housing designersshould adapt to the cultural practices, beliefs, and privacy needs of a given people when designinghomes. Future research is needed to replicate the study for an authentic perspective on a cross-cultural basis (1) (PDF) The Impact of the Cultural Beliefs on Forming and Designing Spatial Organizations, Spaces Hierarchy, and Privacy of Detached Houses and Apartments in Jordan.
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