An introductory meeting for students of Prince Hussein bin Abdullah College of Information Technology, sponsored by the university president.

The President of Al al-Bayt University, Professor Osama Nusair, sponsored the introductory meeting for students of the Prince Hussein bin Abdullah College of Information Technology, which was organized by the college in collaboration with the IEEE Computer Society team at Al al-Bayt University. The event was attended by the Deputy Chairman of the Higher Education Accreditation Commission, Professor Saad Bani Mohammed.

Mustafa Khwalda, the coordinator of the Crown Prince Foundation in the Mafraq Governorate, introduced the foundation, its goals, and its activities that support youth, along with the training and volunteer opportunities it offers to participants.

Engineer Shorouq Awad, the head of the training department at Al-Raja International Company, discussed the field of information technology, its various branches, and its contributions to all areas of life. Engineer Ammar Jabir talked about the history and origin of computer science, programming languages, and algorithms. Meanwhile, Tarek Al-Amoush, the head of the business incubators section at the Center of Excellence for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the university, showcased the services and training opportunities provided by the center for university students, especially for those in information technology, as well as the chance for students to participate in national and international competitions.

Student Ahmad Al-Qaisi provided an overview of data science and artificial intelligence and their application fields, while Engineer Mohammed Al-Khreisha discussed cyber Security, its areas, and its applications across various company sectors. Engineer Bushra Hassain talked about information management systems and their role in providing innovative marketing solutions, whereas Dr. Mohammed Al-Koufahi, the director of the computer center at the university, explained university systems, regulations, and methods of self-learning.

Dean of the Prince Hussein bin Abdullah College of Information Technology, Professor Mohammed Jaradat, indicated that the purpose of this meeting was to introduce new students to the college’s specializations and broaden their understanding of available academic and professional opportunities, emphasizing the importance of active participation in the activities organized by the university to enhance students' practical knowledge and skills.

Alongside the meeting, a scientific competition for students was held, managed by student Mohammed Krezem, where the winners received free training courses from supporting companies. At the end of the event, presented by student Maya Hamwi, Dean Dr. Jaradat awarded certificates of appreciation to the participating entities, including Step by Step Company, Pioneer Training Academy, SDK Training Center, Arab Bank, AIESEC, and IEEE CS at AABU. He also honored the event sponsors, which included Canary Food Industries, KITCO Food Industries, and GOOD DAY.