Al-Bayt hosts Iraqi historian Sayyar Gemayel
The President of the University, Professor Dr. Osama Nusair, received While Gemayel responded by thanking Al al-Bayt University, which embraced him in the mid-nineties. On a related level, Dr. Al-Jamil gave a lecture entitled Sociology of Arab Social History in the Al-Bakhit Auditorium at the university. Gemayel began the lecture, referring to the roots and remnants, then the chains of generations, then the phases and political and social transformations, and then the social formation of Arab social history, asking about discovering the structure of the subject, the correct understanding of societies and education and its role over the generations, health concepts, and the creation of the fruit that is clear to the world, and why it was in its best form in the past, pointing out. To the destruction that has reached Arab societies, recalling whether the Arabs will rise again... Al-Jamil spoke about honoring the Arab mind and the necessity of re-talking about the Arab influence, the Arab mind and its classifications, and the need of societies for chains of different generations that are compatible with production, distinguishing between the era and the era, and that the Arab person He is open and receptive, despite differences. He is integrated and welcomes other societies, noting that Arabs exist and are widespread in the world and with all civilizations since before Islam until now. Al-Jamil added about the structure of societies, the formula of Arab unity and its creation, and that the Arab system differs between Arab nationalism and other nationalities. He also spoke about the foundation of the Arabs, their integration into societies, their sects, the lineages they form within societies and peoples, and their roles in societies. Gemayel pointed out the mixing of Arabs with other nationalities and the literary and scientific effects they left on others, noting that today there is a contraction in the name of citizenship, wishing to remove the garments of the twentieth century despite its negatives, wishing to preserve the positives and the transformations that are taking place very quickly, appreciating that there is still the Arabism in us that It works to unite societies, seeks the future, instills hope, and eliminates frustration, because the coming generations are their mother’s generations, they will not die and will not disappear, because we will not return to what we were except with a new Arab model. Belonging must remain renewed Arab, and we must remain open to the world. Al-Jamil also recalled the first years of the university and how it restored its charm, emanating from its squares, its achievements, and the scent of history that we smell today in its buildings. He spoke of the spiritual relationship that links him to Al al-Bayt University and the Shoman Foundation. At the end of the lecture, which was presented and moderated by the Vice President of the University for Community Affairs, Professor Dr. Hani Akhwarshida, and in the presence of a number of college deans, university professors, and university students, during which an extensive dialogue and discussion took place between the lecturer and the audience. Where the university president, Nusair, presented the university shield to the guest delegation.​​