Special Definitions for Students


Credit Hour: It is a scientific weight unit for the number of weekly lectures of the course determined by the university


Academic Year:   It consists of two compulsory semesters where the period of each is (16) weeks and an optional summer semester.


Academic Semester: It is the period of time between the beginning of the study and the end.


Semester Average: The average score of all subjects studied by the student in the semester failing or passing: (the total number of credit hours for each subject multiplied by their marks divided by the total number of hours registered during the semester.


Cumulative Average: The average score of all subjects studied by a student failing or passing up to the date of calculating the average of more than one semester: (The total credit hours for each subject multiplied by their marks divided by the total number of hours registered during the semesters).


Study Subject: It is a curriculum with specific objectives, contents and theoretical and practical activities as well as it is an educational unit associated with other subjects.


Study Plan: It is a set of theoretical and practical courses and activities, compulsory and optional, and achieving success in this set grants the student scientific degree.


Prerequisite or Concurrent Course: It is a study subject that must be studied before the other one on which the other subject is dependent or synchronized.


Study Load: It is the total number of hours a student registers in a semester.


Academic Advisor: Is a faculty member chosen by the academic department to assist the student from the beginning of his studies until he graduates.