Exploring changes in nursing students' attitudes towards the use of technology: A four-wave longitudinal panel study
Background: It is essential for nursing students to be equipped with the necessary technology skills throughout
and after their study period. Their acceptance of this technology depends largely on their attitudes towards
Objectives: To explore the evolution in nursing students' attitudes towards technology, and to determinewhether
there was a change in participants' formal education in technology over their four years of study.
Methods: A longitudinal panel studywas conducted in a single school of nursing in Jordan. A total of 140 students
were followed over their four years of undergraduate study. They completed the same tool (the Technology Attitude
Scale) each year, to capture any changes in their attitudes towards technology across the years.
Results: In all four waves of data collection, students showed positive attitudes towards technology, with the
highest attitude scores being in their final year (M = 6.19, SD = 0.72). As the students spent more time on
their nursing education, they were found to have a more positive attitude. Thus, a strong positive relationship
existed between this formal education in technology and attitudes: as the students' education in technology increased,
their attitudes were more positive.
Conclusion: A remarkable development in students' attitudes towards technology is reported in this study. The
positive attitudes displayed by the students should be enhanced by providing technology-related subjects during
their studies in nursing schools at a very early stage.