Educating intensive care unit nurses to use central venous catheter infection prevention guidelines: effectiveness of an educational course
Background Nurses' knowledge of central venous catheter-related infection (CVC-RI) prevention guidelines is poor, indicating that nurses do not receive proper education about these guidelines. Aim The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational course that aimed to improve nurses' knowledge about CVC-RI prevention guidelines. Method A sample of 131 nurses were randomly assigned to the experimental group (received an educational course) or control group (received no education). Pre-Post data were collected using a structured questionnaire that included a 23-item knowledge assessment. Results In the pre-test, all participants demonstrated poor knowledge, with mean scores of 8.2 (standard deviation?=?3.6). After completion of the course, knowledge was significantly improved in the experimental group, whereas the control group showed no change (t(106,3)?=?25.1, p?=?0.00). Conclusions An educational course on CVC-RI prevention guidelines had an encouraging effect. Decision makers are recommended to implement such courses in their settings to improve nurses' competency.
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