Course Number Course Name Credit Hours Credit Hours Download Syllabus
901499 Graduation Project 2 3 null
906490 Field Training 3
901410 Advanced Programming Tools 3
901498 Field Training 3 null
901480 Data Security and Authentication 3 902360
901720 Advanced Computer Networks 3
906425 Secure Electronic Commerce 3
901792 Graduation Project 6
908303 Machine Learning 3
901441 Software Architecture 3
908499 Seminar &Graduation Project 3
908302 Data science Programming Using R language 3
901750 Analysis of Algorithms 3
901791 Seminar 3
908408 High Performance Computing 3
901300 Computational Theory 3
908304 Natural Language Processing 3
901740 Object Oriented Software Development 3
901131 Computer Science-2 for Scientific Disciplines 3
906401 Secure Software Design and Engineering 3
901200 Discrete Mathematics 3 401101
901240 Data Structure 3 901210
908406 Robotics Programming 3
906421 Computer Forensics 3
901499 Graduation Project 3
901330 Databases 3
901430 Fundamentals os Distribute and Parallel Systems 3 901332
901331 Database Management System 3 901240
901732 Advanced Database Systems 3
901220 Digital Logic Design 3
901320 Computer Architecture 3
908201 Big Data 3
908102 Visualizing Data And Exploring 3
901721 Wireless Networks 3
901770 Advanced Artificial Intelligence 3
908101 Statistics for Data Science 3
901722 Computer Network Security 3
906330 Security Policy and Governance 3
906313 Database and Information Security 3
908404 Distributed and cloud systems 3
908407 Special Topic in AI 3
908100 Data Science Foundations 3
906480 Special Topics in Systems and Information Security 3 null
906499 Graduation Project 3
901780 Advanced Computer Architecture 3
901730 Distributed Operating Systems 3
906411 Networks Security 3
906414 Network Monitoring & Documenting 3
901211 Programming in Java 3 901210
901325 Computer Networks 3
901700 Image Processing 3
908401 Deep Learning 3
901481 Special Topics 3
901311 Mobile Application Development 3
901210 Object-Oriented Programming 3 901131
901132 Computer Science-2 For the Humanities 3 0901130
906413 Systems and Information Security Protocols 3 null
906431 Auditing Information Systems Security 3
906311 Operating Systems Security 3
901710 Programming Languages Structure 3
901460 System and Cyber Security 3
901341 Software Engineering -1 3 901240
901340 Analysis and Design of Algorithms 3 901240
906201 Fundamentals of Systems and Information Security 3
908403 Special Topic in Data Science 3
901351 Human-Computer Interaction 3 901240
901497 Graduation Project 1 0 null
906424 Cloud Computing and its Security 3
901796 Comprehensive Exam 0
906202 Cryptography 3
908402 Data Engineering 3
901792 Scientific Research Methodology 3 null
908405 Augmented and Virtual Reality 3
901420 Internetworking and Applications 3 902360
901411 Advanced Programming Tools 3
901332 Operating System 3 902220
901212 Programming in Python 3
901741 Advanced Software Engineering 3
901110 Computer (2) for IT Students 3
901327 Wireless and Mobile Networking 3
906415 Fourth generation Languages and Security 3
901133 Computer (2)for IT Students 3
901310 Visual Programming 3
908498 Field Training 3
901711 Parallel Programming 3
901440 Compilers 3
901470 Artificaial Intelligence and Expert Systems 3