Assessment of Headache among High School Students in Jordan
Headache is considered one of the most common complaints affecting all ages: children, adolescents, and adults. A school-based, cross-sectional study was conducted to assess primary headache among high school students aged 16?18 in Grades 11?12, over a period of 3 weeks (May 2017). A questionnaire was designed, in accordance with the International Headache Society?s criteria. The Pearson?s ?2 test was computed to show the differences between the variables. Nearly two thirds of the students reported having headache (19.0% tension-type headache, 8.8% migraine, and 39.0% unknown type). Nearly a quarter sought help for headache, and the most frequently used analgesic was acetaminophen (82.2%) followed by aspirin (5.1%). The current study revealed that the prevalence of headache and migraine was initially high and increased with age. Moreover, headache is one of the major public health problems among high school students. An education program conducted by school nurses and other health-care providers regarding headache and migraine is needed. عرض على تم اقتباسها في عدد: 5 مقالات ذات صلة الإصدارات الـ 3كلها Use of electronic health-related datasets in nursing and health-related research? Omar M Al-rawajfah, Sami Aloush, Jeanne Beauchamp Hewitt? Western journal of nursing research 37 (7), 952-983, 2015? Datasets of gigabyte size are common in medical sciences. There is increasing consensus that significant untapped knowledge lies hidden in these large datasets. This review article aims to discuss Electronic Health-Related Datasets (EHRDs) in terms of types, features, advantages, limitations, and possible use in nursing and health-related research. Major scientific databases, MEDLINE, ScienceDirect, and Scopus, were searched for studies or review articles regarding using EHRDs in research. A total number of 442 articles were located. After application of study inclusion criteria, 113 articles were included in the final review. EHRDs were categorized into Electronic Administrative Health-Related Datasets and Electronic Clinical Health-Related Datasets. Subcategories of each major category were identified. EHRDs are invaluable assets for nursing the health-related research. Advanced research skills such as using analytical softwares, advanced statistical procedures, dealing with missing data and missing variables will maximize the efficient utilization of EHRDs in research. عرض على تم اقتباسها في عدد: 5 مقالات ذات صلة الإصدارات الـ 4كلها الباحث العلمي السنة الملفات الشخصية للمستخدمين التي تطابق Aloush Sami Sami Aloush بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على تم اقتباسها في عدد: 20 Use of electronic health-related datasets in nursing and health-related research? OM Al-rawajfah, S Aloush? - Western journal of ?, 2015? - Datasets of gigabyte size are common in medical sciences. There is increasin
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