The Reduced Paleostress Tensors Based on Fault-Slip Data of Dana Conglomerate Formation in Ed Dhira Area, Dead Sea-Jordan
This study presents paleo stress results based on fault-slip data measured in the Dana Conglomerate Formation (Neogene)
in Ed Dhira area east of the Dead Sea basin. Stress inversion of fault-slip data was carried out utilizing an improved RightDihedral method, followed by rotational optimization. Results revealed the existence of a strike-slip regime in all stress
tensors, in which ?1 (SHmax) and ?3 (Shmin) are usually sub-horizontal and ?2 is sub-vertical. The stress ratio (R) ranged
between 0.25 - 0.67 and the stress index (R?) ranged between 1.33- 1.75. The SHmax ?1 oriented ESE? WNW within a range
of 15? (113- 128) of all stress tensors. The results revealed about 10?-20? anti-clockwise rotation compared with the main
trend of the Dead Sea stress (NW-SE SHmax) to WNW-ESE trend in the study area. The stress variations are due to the block
rotation along the main faults in the study area and/ or may be due to stress changes in time.