Syndepositional extensional structures in Oligo?Pliocene Dana Conglomerate Formation at Ed Dhira area (Dead Sea, Jordan)
We present an original study of syndepositional extensional structures in the Dana Conglomerate Formation at the eastern margin
of the Dead Sea (Jordan). Through a structural survey, we analyzed six measurement stations (named DC1?6) hosting extensional structures as normal and strike-slip faults and associated systems like horsts and grabens, negative flowers, joints, plumose
joints, tension gashes, and veins. Horst and graben structures with displacement ranges from few centimeters to more than 3 m
were observed in three stations of the study area (e.g., DC1, 3, and 5), indicating N?S, NE?SW, and E?W extensional directions,
respectively. Negative flower structure was observed in stations DC4 and DC5 associated with N?S- and NW?SE-directed strikeslip faults. This is due to transtension related to the Dead Sea stress field