Analysis of Mesostructures along Jarash- Irbid Highway, Northern Jordan
Geologic structural surveys were conducted in many road cuts and quarries along the Irbid-Jarash highway, north of Thughart
Asfour village. Meso-scale tectonic structures which were found in these stations including: folds, faults (Strike-slip, normal
and reverse), joints, flower structures, boudinage structures and shear fractures, revealed that the area has undergone a local
tensional as well as compressional stresses related to the regional one. More than 1385 fracture measurements were done
using scanline, circle, and common methods in order to investigate the orientation and density of the fractures in different
parts of the study area. Two dominant trends of joint sets (N-S and NNW to NW) and other minor trends (E-W, ENE-WSW
and WNW-ESE) were found in the Cretaceous carbonate rocks (Wadi Es Sir Limestone Formation). The dominant trend sets
represent the range of conjugated, hybrid, and extensional fractures in which the acute bisector of these represents the main
trend of extensional fracture set, which in turn is consistence with the SHmax (maximum horizontal compressive stress axis)
oriented NNW-SSE. Geometries of fractures in the carbonate rocks represent a continuum of structures at various stages of
development that can be classified into two main geometric categories corresponding to increasing levels of brittle strain;
bed- confined fractures and throughgoing fractures. Many throughgoing fractures develop subsequent to bed-confined joints
by the coalescence of pre-existing joints. The spatial distribution of throughgoing fractures varies as a function of structural
position. The highest frequency and estimated strain intensity have been located at the fold crests and fault zones.