Groundwater vulnerability assessment for the Corridor wellfield using DRASTIC and modified DRASTIC models: A case study of eastern Jordan
Groundwater vulnerability maps were created for the Corridor wellfield (~300 km2) in the eastern Jordan using the DRASTIC and modified DRASTIC groundwater vulnerability assessment models. Thy study area is considered as one of the most important well fields therein providing partially three governorates with the needed drinking water. Detailed geological and hydrogeological parameters as well as the land-use map of the area were obtained from various sources to utilize both models. ArcGIS software was used for calculations and maps preparation. As a result, the generic DRASTIC vulnerability index ranges between 109 and 168. Thus, two vulnerability classes were observed, moderate (9.9 %) and high (90.1 %) vulnerability classes. On the other hand, the modified DRASTIC model (risk map) is taking into account the land-use map classes in the study area. The output risk map reveals two main classes, the moderate and high-risk areas. The moderate-risk areas occupy 9.3 % of the total volume of the study area while the high-risk areas are 90.7 %. Due to the high depth to groundwater within the area (between 90 m and 390 m), the depth to groundwater intervals was modified in the model to become more comfortable with the situation in Jordan. The high percentage of the high vulnerable areas against pollutants reflecting the need to do more investigation for the studied area.
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