Welcome to the Department of Computer Science at Al al-Bayt University.
The Computer Science Department was established in 1994 in the Faculty
of Arts and Science. With the establishment of the Prince Hussein bin
Abdullah for Information Technology, the Department was incorporated
into it. The department has two programs M.Sc. and B.Sc. There are
around 500 students enrolled in the two programs.
Our B.Sc. students have access, through instruction and laboratory
experiences, to a wide range of subjects in different areas of computer
science and they are also have access to a wide range of computers
(laboratories are equipped with several hundred PCs) and specialized
software packages.
The department launched the M.Sc. program in Computer Science (thesis
Track) in 1995. This program serves the needs of the local society in
terms of highly qualified IT professionals. It also provides students
with advanced knowledge and skills that enable them to pursue doctoral
degree in computer science
Dr. Mohammad Saeed Al-Basheer