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Researche Title عنــوان البحــث Publishing Year
Arabic Handwritten Word Recognition Based on Stationary Wavelet Transform Technique using Machine Learning التعرف على الكلمات المكتوبة بخط اليد باللغة العربية على أساس تقنية تحويل المويجات باستخدام التعلم الآلي 2021
Face Recognition Model Based on Covariance Intersection Fusion for Interactive devices 2021
Face Recognition Model based on the Laplacian Pyramid Fusion Technique 2021
A Holistic Model for Recognition of Handwritten Arabic Text Based on the Local Binary Pattern Technique 2020
Reasoning about group social commitments in multi-agent systems 2020
A hybrid Feature Selection Approach for Arabic Handwritten Text Based on Genetic Algorithm and Support Vector Machine 2020
Handwritten Arabic Text Recognition using Principal Component Analysis and Support Vector Machines 2019
On the Soundness, Completeness and Applicability of the Logic of Knowledge and Communicative Commitments in Multi-Agent Systems 2016
Model checking temporal knowledge and commitments in multi-agent systems using reduction 2015
Real-Time Conditional Commitment Logic 2015
On the Interaction between Knowledge and Social Commitments in Multi-Agent Systems 2014
Modeling and Verifying Probabilistic Multi-Agent Systems using Knowledge and Social Commitments 2014
"Parallelizing Rule-Based Programs Through Control Flow Analysis",2004,2 2004
"A Performance Study of the PowerXplorer Parallel Computer,1999,1 1999