About the Department
The Secretariat Department of the University Secret Councils is one of the important departments at the university which is directly connected with the University President. It was founded since the establishment of the university in 1993 and its work was practiced through the President's Office or Human Resources Department. Then, it became an independent department in 2005, with a new body. The department undertakes all the work entrusted to it in accordance with the university law, regulations and instructions, within the scope of the work of the main councils at the university or any of the committees formed pursuant to these councils as shown below:
- Board of Trustees
- University Council
- Deans' Council
- Appointment and Promotion Committee
The department is mainly concerned with work related to academic and administrative matters within the work of the councils referred to above, especially in the following areas:
- Establishment of faculties, departments, programs and disciplines, including their merging and abolition, and the establishment of professorships
- Creating academic disciplines
- Determining the number of admitted students and university fees
- Appointment of faculty members as well as research and teaching assistants
- Faculty members' transfer, promotion, assignment, secondment, vacations, in-service installation, termination of services, evaluation of work, delegation and scholarship to obtain scientific degrees
- Supporting scientific research that falls within the powers of the relevant councils
- Granting academic and honorary degrees
- Approval of the university calendar
- Considering draft regulations and instructions
- Approval of the conclusion of scientific, technological and cultural cooperation agreements between the university and its counterparts outside the Kingdom
- Accepting donations, grants and gifts and approving valid central bids
The Secretariat Department has a director, assistant director, divan and two divisions:
- Division of the Board of Trustees and University Council
- Division of the Deans' Council and the Appointment and Promotion Committee.
The Department Address: Al al-Bayt University, P.O. Box (722), Al-Mafraq, Tel. (02)9627000, Ext. (2004) (2017).
Email: secretcouncils@aabu.edu.jo