الامتثال وتحديات الممارسات الاحترازية القائمة على انتقال العدوى بين الممرضين والممرضين في المستشفيات الأردنية خلال الرواية COVID-19: دراسة وصفية.
Background: Standard precautions practices are crucial management skills among nurses against the highly infectious novel COVID-19. Aims: The study aimed to investigate the level of nurses? compliance with standard precautions, and identify the main challenges experienced by nurses during their work with infected COVID-19 patients. Methods and materials: A cross-sectional survey design was used. The study was done at the beginning of the pandemic in public and private hospitals in Jordan. About 386 front-line nurses filled out the online questionnaire. Results: Most of the participants revealed dealing with COVID-19 patients (73.6%). Generally, nurses demonstrated a good level of compliance with standard practices (71%). The staff reported that they mostly adhere to performing hand hygiene after all procedures (65.8%). On the other hand, they were the least adherence to maintaining a physical distance of patients and staff of at least 6 feet apart (28.5%). Conclusion: Strict observation of the compliance of nurses with the standard precautions practices is crucial to be maintained at the highest level to eliminate the spreading of COVID-19 among other community members. More efforts should be come to light including continuous training and education sessions to enhance nurses? level of knowledge and practice concerning controlling the outbreak of the novel pandemic
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