A workshop on improving university theses, publishing them, and obtaining scientific research support for them

In continuation of the role of the College of Graduate Studies and the Deanship of Scientific Research at Al Al-Bayt University in developing the skills and capabilities of graduate students in the field of scientific research, a workshop was held on improving and publishing university theses and obtaining scientific research support for them. This is within the following topics:
1. How to choose university theses that mimic real societal issues
2. How to extract scientific research from university theses and publish it in international scientific journals.
3. Getting to know the global databases of scientific journals (Scopus, WoS).
4. How to obtain scientific research support for university dissertations.
 First, the Dean of Graduate Studies, Professor Dr. Ahmed Al-Khazali, opened the workshop and welcomed the attendees, including faculty members and graduate students. Professor Dr. Dean of Graduate Studies spoke about the first topic of the workshop, addressing the most important issues related to the problems of society, the public and private sectors, and the role of university dissertations in resolving these issues through scientific research. He also discussed the importance of innovation in the scientific production of university theses and its role in solving societal problems.
 For his part, the Dean of Scientific Research, Professor Dr. Akef Al-Faqir, discussed the focus of supporting scientific research for university dissertations and how students obtain it, and presented a set of statistics that indicate the amount of support provided to university dissertations during the past years. He also motivated students to obtain such support, which enriches the research process by improving their university theses. The poor emphasized the mechanism for selecting university theses and the appropriate scientific research methodologies for these theses according to the research problems.
For his part, Dr. Rami Al-Shawabkeh, Deputy Dean of Graduate Studies, spoke about the second and third topics of the workshop. He explained how to extract scientific research from university theses and publish it in international scientific journals, by presenting realistic examples of published research extracted from university theses at Al Al-Bayt University that were published in international scientific journals. Al-Shawabkeh also explained to the attendees the importance of international databases for scientific journals, their types, and how to know which scientific journals fall within these rules by presenting illustrative examples of the websites for these databases.
At the end of the workshop, the Dean of Postgraduate Studies, Professor Dr. Ahmed Al-Khazali, thanked the attending faculty members who stimulated the discussion on the topics of the workshop and the postgraduate students.​​​