Availability of quality standards in the special education centers from the viewpoint of practical training students at Al al-Bayt University
This study aimed to know the Availability of quality standards in the special
education centers from the viewpoint of practical training students at Al al-
Bayt University, Where the study sample consisted of 31 students from
practical training students enrolled in the first semester of the academic year
2013-2014 and randomly distributed to 14 prac?cal training centers (central
and northern provinces). The researchers prepared a questionnaire for quality
standards for special educa?on centers consisted of 82 items distributed on
eight areas (vision, thought and message, administration and staff, services
and programs, participation and supporting and enabling the family,
assessment and diagnosis, building and facilities, integration and transition
services, self-assessment) Were extracted semantics validity and reliability.
Were using averages, standard deviations, t-test to answer questions study,
Where results indicate Moderately availability in Areas of administration and
staff, and services and programs where reaching averages for two respectively
(2.53, 2.51), and low of the degree of availability in the following areas:
building and facili?es (2.41), participation and support and enable the family
(2.16), the evalua?on and diagnosis (2.13), vision and thought and the
message (2.13), integra?on and transi?on services (2.12), the self-assessment
(2.11) and highly low in the availability in Arithme?c mean in all Areas (2.27) .
And there is no differences on the availability of quality standards in the
special education centers due to the variable sex student or student's
academic year or geographic location by region (northern or central) from the
point of practical training students. The study recommended to conduct the
study in other provinces, and conduct studies on other variables from different
perspectives, such as the perspective of parents.