The Application Degree of Job Description Standards in Performance Evaluation at al Albayt University from the Point view of administrative Staff
This study aims to identify the reliability and efficiency of employing job description standards in performance evaluation from the point of view of the administrative staff. To achieve this aim, the study tool was implemented after its reliability and stability was carefully tested. The study tool consisted of 17 items divided into three sections, while the study samples included 743 members from Al Albayt (AABU) administrative staff. The most important results of the study shows that applying job description standards gave moderate results including the fact that there are statistical differences due to gender in two areas: job title, and job experiences and skills.
The study also showed statistical significant differences among administrative staff due to academic qualifications. Finally, the study showed a statistical significant differences among administrative staff due to years of experience in two major areas: job title, academic qualifications and skills. The study has many recommendations including taking the job description standards into consideration which will reflect a better job distribution or a better job assignment and a better administrative promotional system. The study also recommended that the university presidency should pay more attention to the administrative evaluation in addition to providing proper trainning programs to those who are responsible for this evaluation process. These programs and workshops should include all those who work in the staff evaluation.