Our Vision
Towards a distinguished, professional and high-performance financial department to ensure the financial stability of the university and to plan for the future through the following:
- Working on time management.
- Seeking to achieve entrepreneurship and professionalism in university financial work.
- Providing exemplary financial services as quickly and as cheaply as possible.
- Working according to the customer priority system.
- Working as one team and our performance is advanced.
- Looking for financial knowledge that contributes to efficient and effective money management.
Our Mission
Improving the financial management and developing the services provided through legislation consistent with the best international financial practices, relying on distinguished human resources and advanced technologies through the following.
- Providing accurate, comprehensive and effective financial information and data to the various entities at the university to carry out their work effectively.
- Achieving support and assistance in the strategic distribution of resources.
- Achieving efficiency in providing financial services.
- Control current and capital spending