​Keynote Speakers

Prof.Anis S. Shatnawi 

"تطوير الكودة الاردنية للمنشآت المقاومة لأفعال الزلازل وتقييم المباني القائمة والتعديلات التحديثية"

 Dr. Moaed Al-Maslamani, the university of Sheffield Achieving global food security using sustainable farming under the current climate change

 Prof. Rida A. Shibli  National strategies to support food security and adaptation to climate change Rida_Bio.pdf
 Dr. Jehad Almahameed
Water Security Under Climate Change in Jordan

 Prof. Najib Abou Karaki
Faculty of Sciences, University of Jordan
"Monitoring of precursory deformations of sinkhole's proliferation, Dead Sea area 1991-2023. Necessity of an Early Warning System"