I welcome you all to the Computer Center at Al al-Bayt University, which was established more than twenty-five years ago to provide computer services to university students and employees and contribute to the development and progress of the university and community service.

The computer center has achieved great success in the past years, and it still aspires to increase achievement and help university students, faculty and administrative staff members to benefit from the electronic services provided by the center to improve productivity and efficiency. The mission of the Computer Center is to provide innovative and high-quality technological services and solutions to support the university's strategic goals.

We always strive to keep pace with technology, which makes us look for modern technology to maintain the level of service, and we look forward to continuing to build and strengthen partnerships with university units and departments to understand their needs and goals.

In order to achieve the objectives of the center, the administrative restructuring of the center has been approved to include three administrative departments: the Networks &Technical Support Department, the Systems and Databases Department, and the Programming Department.


Therefore, if you have any suggestions or questions about the content of our website pages or our services, please contact us via e-mail computer.center@aabu.edu.jo

Last Modified 12/19/2024 11:16:42 AM