
  1. ​Providing servers for the university's various systems and applications.
  2. Monitoring server and storage device maintenance contracts at the main site.
  3. Conducting periodic checks on power supply, generators, and fire suppression systems at the main server site in the Computer Center with specialized maintenance companies.
  4. Assigning usernames on the university domain for students and staff to use the wireless network.
  5. Backing up databases and web applications.
  6. Monitoring updates and renewals of operating system licenses and backup software, along with updates related to servers and software.
  7. Providing email services to students and staff.
  8. Preparing and monitoring databases to ensure their integrity.
  9. Offering services related to database management.
  10. Linking databases with various applications.
  11. Resetting staff account passwords.
  12. Activating and creating secure remote access (VPN) accounts.