Course Number Course Name Credit Hours Credit Hours Download Syllabus
1108210 Sport Psychology 3 null
1101542 Practical Education 3
1108480 Practical Teaching 3 null
1108271 Technology of Teaching in P.E 3 null
1108161 Gymnastics 2 null
1108445 Sport Marketing 3 null
1108480 Practical Teaching 3 null
1108150 Soccer 2 null
1108120 ُExercise and Physical Training 2 null
1108441 Recreation and Traditional Games 3 null
1108481 Practical Teaching 3 null
1108450 Volleyball/Specialization 3 null
1108253 Handball 2 null
1108380 Practical Teaching 3 null
1108221 Exercise Physiology 3 null
1108151 Basketball 2 null
1108320 Sport Injuries 3 null
1108261 Athletics 2 null
1108170 Statistic Principles of Physical Education 3 null
1108360 Swimming 2 null
1108331 Movement Education 3 null
1108470 Measurement and Evaluation in P.E 3 null
1108201 The Methods of Teaching Physical Education 3 null
1108420 School Health 3 null
1108252 Volleyball 2 null
1108355 Basketball/ Specialization 3 null
1108264 Self-Defense Sports 3 null
1108231 Principles of Sport Training 3 null
1108365 Kinetic rhythm 3 null
1108451 Handball/ Specializations 3 null
1108410 Sport Sociology 3 null
1108465 Track and Field Athletics Specializations 3 null
1108362 Health Related Fitness Programs 3 null
1108354 A Course of Refereeing in Specialization 3 null
1108101 Foundations and Philosophy of Physical Education 3 null
1108254 Racket Sports 2 null
1108222 Coaching Athletes with Disabilities 3 null
1108300 Curricula in Physical Education 3 null
1108131 Health Education Course 3 null
1108330 Kinesiology 3 null
1108340 Scouting 3 null
1108462 Swimming/Specialization 3 null
1108342 Sport Media and Public Relations 3 null
1108350 Soccer-Specialization 3 null
1108400 ٍSpecial Topics in Physical Education 3 null
1108464 Specializations 3 null
1108440 ِAdministration in Physical Education 3 null
1108363 A Course of Training in Specialization 3 null
1108467 Racket Games/ Specializations 3 null