Spatial variation of the qualitative composition of the urban and rural population in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, according to the 2004 and 2015 censuses
The study aimed to identify and analyze the qualitative composition of the rural and urban population in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, highlighting the features of the change between these two components, and their spatial variation across its administrative units.
The study relied on the descriptive and analytical approach which was the appropriate method for the study. Moreover, the results of the study showed the volumetric and relative decline of the rural population compared to the urban population between the 2004 and 2015 censuses, which reflects the administrative, functional, economic, cultural and service difference between these two components.
In addition to the predominance of two main patterns, the first is the normal pattern that appears in the Jordanian population inside the Kingdom, as well as at the level of the Kingdom itself, although it has moved towards a slightly higher rate in 2015 census compared to 2004 census, while the second pattern, which is called the abnormal pattern, is represented by the non-Jordanian population inside the Kingdom, As well as with the Jordanian population abroad. Also among the results is the subjection of the gender ratio to a decline in all its detalils between the 2004 and 2015 censuses, which reflects the political and economic conditions of the neighboring countries of the Kingdom and their effects on the events of incoming migration. The study recommended narrowing the gap between rural and urban areas, which shows different rates of development between them.