Ashour, A., Al-Rawashdeh, S., Alwidyan, M., Al-Smadi, A., & Alshraifeen, A. (2020). Perceived Learning Needs of Patients With Heart Failure in Jordan: Perspectives of Patients, Caregivers, and Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 35(3), 273-279.?
Background: Identifying learning needs is an important component of care among patients with heart failure (HF). There is a discrepancy in the level of importance of information as perceived by patients, caregivers, and nurses. No studies have been conducted to identify learning needs among patients with HF in Jordan. Objective: The aim of this study was to identify the learning needs of patients with HF in Jordan from the perspective of patients, family caregivers, and their nurses. Methods: A descriptive comparative design using a convenience sample of 67 patients with HF, 67 family caregivers, and 67 nurses was used. The Heart Failure Learning Needs Inventory was used to identify the learning needs. The mean scores were compared among the 3 groups and ranked by importance for each item to determine the most important areas of perceived needs for each group. Results: All groups had high total Heart Failure Learning Needs mean scores: patients, 4.12 ? 0.92; caregivers, 4.14 ? 0.65; and nurses, 4.08 ? 0.54. The top priority learning need for both patients and caregivers was ?the recommended daily salt intake,? whereas for nurses, it was ?why I am taking each medication and its side effects?; nurses significantly perceived it as more important to learn than patients and caregivers did. Younger and employed patients requested more information than other patients. Conclusions: Although some similarities exist, there are important differences among the 3 groups on perceived importance of information. Understanding these differences may be critical in developing a tailored educational program for patients and caregivers and improving nursing practice
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