Awareness and Knowledge of Ovarian Cancer Symptoms and Risk Factors: A Survey of Jordanian Women.
Ovarian cancer accounts for 3% of all female cancers and has a high mortality rate among gynecological malignancies. Early diagnosis carries a high survival rate of 93%. So, this study was carried out to assess the knowledge and awareness of Jordanian women about ovarian cancer symptoms and risk factors. A cross-sectional survey design was used; 896 women completed the survey. The mean of total symptoms recognized was low at level of 3.2 ( SD = 2.7) out of 10. The three highest known symptoms among women were as follows: extreme fatigue (43.2%), back pain (42.4%), and persistent pain in pelvic area (40.7%). The most commonly known risk factor was smoking (68.4%), followed by having ovarian cyst(s) (59.7%). Hence, with the absence of an effective screening program, a national awareness campaign is urgently needed to improve the public's understanding of symptoms and risk factors and increasing women's confidence in symptom recognition.