Goals The department aims to follow up alumni through:
• creating an alumni website on the University's home page and making it available to Al al-Bayt University students and alumni.
•setting an electronic database that includes general alumni academic and career data.
• following up the alumni's job and social conditions and providing all services that enhance their practical and educational lives.
• guide to help alumni be aware of the labor market requirements and know how to write a CV correctly, conduct personal interview, have the skills necessary to get and upgrade a job.
•encouraging alumni to work.
• announcements of employment and career day.
• statistics and studies related to alumni and the labor market.
•providing permanent job opportunities for alumni through establishing partnership with relevant civil society institutions. • setting a career day for alumni.
•keeping in touch with Al-Bayt University Alumni Club.
• contributing to reduce unemployment in Jordan through harmonization between the outputs of education and requirements of the labor market by conducting studies to raise the efficiency of alumni and identify the reasons for enrolling in the majors.
• organizing Alumni Meetings (Alumni Conference, Alumni Forum)
• success stories and honoring outstanding alumni.