هاني رزق الله الحامد العموش استاذ/ hanialamoush@aabu.edu.jo تحميل السيرة الذاتية orcid linkedin Google Scholar Scopus ResearchGate منصة الأردن المفتوحة للإبداع معلومات الاتصال فرعي 3150, الابحاث Researche Title عنــوان البحــث سنة النشـــر Geo-technical Engineering Evaluation of Superficial Deposits Utilizing Seismic Methods at Al al-Bayt University, Jordan تقييم هندسي - جيوتقني للرواسب السطحية باستعمال الطرق الزلزالية في جامعة ال البيت 2021 Al-Harahsheh, S., Al-Taani, A. A., Al-Amoush, H., Shdeifat, A., Al-Mashagbah, A., Al-Raggad, M., ... & Almasaeid, K. (2020). Assessing the Impact of Zaatari Syrian Refugee Campin Central North Jordan on the Groundwater Quality. Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 11(4), 260-271.? تقييم اثر مخيم الزعتري السوري في وسط شمال الاردن على نوعية المياه 2020 A comparison of machine learning models for the mapping of groundwater spring potential مقارنة نماذج التعلم الالي لرسم خرائط مياه الينابيع الجوفية المحتملة 2020 Spatial mapping of groundwater springs potentiality using grid search-based and genetic algorithm-based support vector regression 2020 Assessing the Impact of Zaatari Syrian Refugee Camp on Groundwater Quality, Northeastern Jordan دراسة تطور نوعية المياه الجوفية ضمن حوض عمان الزرقاء العلوي ومدى تأثير وجود مخيم الزعتري عليها 2020 Harvested Rain Water Quality of Different Roofing Material Types in Water Harvesting System at Al al-Bayt University/Jordan 2018 The Use of Electrical Resistivity Tomography to Investigate Basaltic Lava Tunnel Based on the Case Study of Al-Badia Cave in Jord استعمال طريقة المقاومية الكهربائية المقطعية لاستكشاف نفق اللابا البازلتية، نفق البادية حالة دراسية، الاردن 2018 Delineating groundwater potential zones within the Azraq Basin of Central Jordan using multi-criteria GIS analysis 2018 SIMULATION AND PREDICTION OF URBAN SPATIAL EXPANSION IN HIGHLY VIBRANT CITIES USING THE SLEUTH MODEL: A CASE STUDY OF AMMAN METROPOLITAN, JORDAN 2018 Electrical Resistivity Tomography Modeling of Vertical Lithological Contact using Different Electrode Configurations 2017 The Use of GIS Techniques and Geophysical Investigation for Flood Management at Wadi Al-Mafraq Catchment Area 2017 Geo-structural analysis accompanied with GIS vulnerability mapping, validated by hydro-chemical modeling, in determining spatial expansion of landfills, case study from Jordan 2016 Geophysical and Hydrological Investigations of the Northern Wadis Area of Azraq Basin for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes 2016 Geophysical Investigation Using Time Domain Electromagnetic Method (TDEM) at Wadi Deir Al-Kahaf Area/Jordan for Groundwater Artificial Recharge Purposes 2015 Groundwater recharge zones mapping using GIS: a case study in Southern part of Jordan Valley, Jordan 2014 Integration of Aeromagnetic Data and Landsat Imagery for Structural Analysis Purposes: A Case Study in the Southern Part of Jordan 2013 Petrography and Mineralogy of Roman Mortars from buildings of the Ancient city of Jerash, Jordan 2013 Hydro-Geophysical Investigations for the Purposes of Groundwater Artificial Recharge in Wadi Al-Butum Area, Jordan 2012 Preliminary Geophysical Investigation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia 2012 Vulnerability of Groundwater System in Central Jordan Valley/Pollution Indicators and Decontamination Process 2012 Runoff Estimation for Suggested Water Harvesting Sites in the Northern Jordanian Badia 2012 GIS and Remote Sensing to Investigate Urban Growth in Mafraq City/Jordan between 1987 and 2010 2012 Hydro - Geoelectrical Investigations for the Potential of Underground Water Storage along the lower reaches of King Abdullah Canal - Deir Alla Area /Jordan 2012 The Combination of Indigenous Knowledge and Geo-Informatics for Water Harvesting Siting in the Jordanian Badia 2012 Eutrophication Process in the Mujib Dam 2011 Intrinsic Vulnerability Assessment for the Alluvial Aquifer in the Northern Part of Jordan Valley 2010 Integration of Vertical Electrical Sounding and Aeromagnetic Data Using GIS Techniques to Assess the Potential of Unsaturated Zone and Natural Basalt Caves for Groundwater Artificial Recharge in NE-Jordan 2010 Using Geophysical Methods to Image Near-Surface Cylindrical Pipeline: A Case Study on Engineering Applications, Jordan 2009 Leakage in Bayer Dam in Jordan: Its Causes and Consequences 2008 A 48-kyr-long slip rate history for the Jordan Valley segment of the Dead Sea Fault 2007 The crustal structure of the Dead Sea Transform 2004 Multinational Geoscientific Research Effort Kicks Off in the Middle East 2000