محمد خالد احمد الشرع استاذ مشارك/ mohammad.alsharo@aabu.edu.jo تحميل السيرة الذاتية orcid linkedin Google Scholar Scopus ResearchGate منصة الأردن المفتوحة للإبداع معلومات الاتصال فرعي الابحاث Researche Title عنــوان البحــث سنة النشـــر How habit affects continuous use: evidence from Jordan?s national health information system 2018 Exploring the Change of Attitude among Healthcare Professionals toward Adopting a National Health Information System: The Case of Jordan 2018 Evaluating classification accuracy: the impact of resampling and dataset size 2017 Virtual team effectiveness: The role of knowledge sharing and trust فعالية الفرق الافتراضية: دور مشاركة المعرفة والثقة 2017 Attitudes Towards Cloud Computing Adoption in Emerging Economies 2017 Online Video Reviews Helpfulness: Exploratory Study 2016 E-learning and the Educational Organizations Structure Reengineering E-learning and the Educational Organizations Structure Reengineering 2007