محمد علي محمود الحايك استاذ مشارك/ mhayek@aabu.edu.jo تحميل السيرة الذاتية orcid linkedin Google Scholar Scopus ResearchGate منصة الأردن المفتوحة للإبداع معلومات الاتصال فرعي الابحاث Researche Title عنــوان البحــث سنة النشـــر Impact of firm size on the relationship between inventory and the business results of Jordanian public shareholding industrial companies 2020 The impact of invested capital on net cash flows in light of the business result from net profit or loss 2020 The impact of comprehensive income on owners equity at the jordanian commerical banks analytical study 2019 The relationship between revenue size and actual expenditures through the closing account result 2018 T The relationship between sales revenue and net profit with net cash flows from operating activities in Jordanian industrial joint stock companies 2018 The effect of acquisition on income statement item in acquired company subsidiary company 2018