Difficulties in Learning Arabic Syntax among Jordanian university Students as Presented by Previous Related Studies
Abstract The study aimed to reveal the difficulties faced by students in Jordanian universities when studying syntax, where the descriptive approach was followed, by describing previous studies related to problems/challenges in learning the Arabic language (Arabic Syntax) among students at universities in Jordan. Accordingly, the study carried out a comprehensive content analysis of thirteen studies. The results showed that there are various factors for the problems of Arabic language learners in Jordan, namely: teaching methods, classroom language use, tests, evaluation, books, references, teacher competence and training, progress and delay in syntax, and the existence of differences between competence and linguistic performance. Also, it is found that the lack of focus on the use of the Arabic language during education, the prevalence of patterns that are believed to be (wrong) or (poor) while they are syntactically fluent, and the methods, linking grammatical compensation and metaphorical implication. The results, additionally, indicated that the study of the causes of these problems was neglected, such as demographic variables, including: gender, experience, qualification, and such as social or psychological variables as well as motivation, student orientation, stress, anxiety, and confidence, in addition to not focusing on the moderating and mediating variables. The study recommended there is a need to identify the causes of students' problems in learning syntax, in addition to focusing on the role of demographic, social and psychological variables. Keywords: learning Arabic, Problems and Challenges of Syntax, Jordanian University Students.
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