" Spiritual Guidance and Religious Support for Patients, in the Sunnah of the Prophet ?An Analytical study of the Book of Patients in Al- Jami As Sahih By Imam Al Bukhari
The study dealt with the topic of religious support for patients and spiritual guidance, which is: (providing aid, care and service to the patient depending on religion, which contributes to the process of treating him and relieving his pain), and rooting it in the Prophetic Sunnah through an analytical study of the book ?The Patients? from the Sahih Mosque of Imam Al-Bukhari, where he explained its foundations based on Belief in God Almighty, and be patient with affliction, seeking reward from God Most High, and in anticipation of purifying sickness for sins, being satisfied with the decree of God Most High, and having a good opinion of God. It also showed the means of religious support through visiting the patient and observing him, supplicating for him and the legal ruqyah, laying hands on the patient, presenting fatwas to the patient, and imitating the patience of the prophets in the face of affliction. The study dealt with the communication skills that a spiritual guide must practice while dealing with the patient.
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