The Prophet's care - may God bless him and grant him peace - in early childhood In light of the hadith ?O Abu Umair, what did the Nughair do??
The researcher has studied the hadith ?O Abu Umair, what did the Nughair? do, a modern educational study to clarify the connotations deduced from the hadith, especially on the subject of (early childhood), because of this stage of special importance in human life. The research was divided into an introduction and three chapters, the first: in the concept of early childhood and its characteristics, the second: a collection of the narrations of the hadith of Abi Umair to show the full context of the story, and the third: aspects of early childhood care. The study concluded that the Prophet - may God?s prayers and peace be upon him - addressed the appropriate, expressive, interesting and purposeful discourse to Abu Umair, and the Prophet, may God?s prayers and peace be upon him, also dealt with Abu Umair?s grief over the loss of his bird, with which he was playing with successful educational and psychological steps, and the Prophet?s position with Abu Umair had dimensions Educational in the social and mental aspect, especially in approving the child's play with birds.
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