The role of Aila (Aqaba) in the narration of the noble hadith until the end of the third century AH
The role of the Islamic civilizational obstacle is deeply rooted in history, ever since the words were written The book of the Prophet, may God?s prayers and peace be upon him, and since the peace treaty was signed with its people, passing through the descent of the imam of the hadith scholars in it - Imam Muhammad bin Shihab Al-Zuhri -. Aqaba has a history and a heritage made by those early Eelites, such as Yunus and Aqil Al Elyid. In this research, I try to shed light on the intellectual and cultural role of the obstacle, especially in The narration of the noble hadith of the Prophet, indicating the factors that contributed to the emergence of Aqaba as a distinct modern school that had a great impact on the narration and codification of the noble hadith.
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