"The First Impression" On the Guidance of Our Prophet- PBUH- "Consolidating Study"
This study dealt with a theme of the social communication's themes, namely "The first impression, which is known as "The first idea that left by human being on the others upon communication with them" in the light of the prophetic traditions. Also, it dealt with the method of getting positive first impression on the guideline of our Prophet. The researcher rooting it and clarified its fundamentals and effects in the prophetic traditions via extrapolating the prophetic traditions that occurred in the prophet's meetings and situations, and then analyzing them and extracting the significance of the them, as well as clarifying he effect of the impression that left by our Prophet within the hearts of others, which had a role in the acceptance of the Islamic Dawa. This study opens the door to expand in this field via clarifying the prophetic skills and applications. Furthermore, the researcher calls for preparing and training preachers and students of legal studies on the formations of "the first positive impression" on the Guidance of Our Prophet, as it has many effects on calling to Allah.
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