Financing Islamic Media through Zakat A Comparative Study
The media is the most important feature that has accompanied the human being in the stages of his civilization and educational and cultural construction, and it has affected the lives of people at various levels, and perhaps in this sensitive stage we realize what the media has reached as a powerful force, it is truly the most prominent feature of this century, and it has become a danger In its rapid and direct impact on societies, even states, and civilizations, given the ease with which these means can reach wide sectors of societies of all kinds and diversity, as they act in the minds and souls of people and are reflected in their decisions and actions, and then affect their attitudes and positions that they take on many issues, this influence He is not limited to penetrating political borders and security dams, but has begun to bypass it to abolish cultural boundaries, intervene in psychological characteristics, and form nodal sectors, and rebuild them according to the plans drawn for the most influential discourse, the most charming statement, and the most technical control, and financing is the essential component of success. The work of media institutions anywhere around the world, which is the real guarantee for their sustainability and continued development, and when funding is available, the media institution will be able to provide free It is an efficient and trained work, and it also ensures the provision of all the necessary equipment for work and appropriate headquarters and then high and distinguished media production, and to achieve this and to reach the desired results I will use the descriptive analytical approach, through books, articles and other various aspects. Perhaps the most prominent of these is the demonstration of the possibility of financing Islamic media through zakat.
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