Al Noor Surat
Abstract Lined the Al Noor Surat Muslim life system of legislation that would save the Muslim community security and stability, has been such legislation creating penalty as a deterrent to those who play by symptoms of Muslims, also took a course prevention of these social ills, through legislation and preventive demonstrated methods to protect the individual and society in this section, she urged on the chastity and purity, and ordered the Muslims to lower their gaze and keeping the vagina, and necessitated the women veil and cover up and discouraged from wanton display and unfolding, as ordered ask permission when entering the house for fear of seeing genitalia, and invasion of privacy, and urged the Muslim community to hasten the marriage of unmarried sons and daughters of the community to achieve their social and psychological stability, and other precautions that have shown that Islam does not live to build on the punishment, but on the prevention of the reasons driving to the crime. Key words: Al-Nour surat, social security, preventive legislation.
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