The Care of Holy Quran due to the Individuals with The Visual Impairment - in the models of Ibn Umm Maktoum
Abstract The special needs of the individuals is to become a part of the fabric in the society, they live with us and need into contact with us and have the rights as we have, so the holy Quran alerted to the need to take care of and respect for this category of society, and make them feel that they are not less than other people, as the community urged the Initiative in providing material and psychological support to them by guiding the Quran to the Prophet, peace be upon him in the blind incident Ibn Umm Maktoum, the study concluded that there is no point of redress for and raised down the blind and visually impaired and who is in his reign as the Quran Ibn Umm Maktoum as a model for the Visually impaired. Key words: the holy Quran, with special needs, the blind.
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